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Joy of going manual

I started doing my research on cameras best fit for my use. Lomo really interest me, but the thought of shelving out rm1000 for a gimmicky-undurable camera with plastic lens (the newer Lomo LCA+) doesn't bode well with me. I really loved the whole idea of shooting by the waist, point and click mantra every Lomo enthusiast abide fiercely to, to get an arty-farty image with deep saturation and contrast ala' Wong Kar Wai style. First of all, I did fiddle with the Diana mid-format camera, developed the films and found nothing turns out right. Everyone can argue that its the whole culture of Lomography, to embrace mistakes like its art and to not worry bout how it will turn out. Out of 12 shots only 3 came out right. The rest are all under-expose and extremely dim, even in broad daylight. Its a marketing gimmick actually, this whole Lomo thing. Its a remake of classic cameras, repackaged with all the glitter and hype to appeal to all artist-wannabes type.
I don't have anything against Lomo fanboys, as I really loved the effect it produces, the vignetting (dark corners on your image) and the colors its produces. Thats the whole reason I venture into photography, to get the Lomo effect. But I am a control freak when it comes to images. I need to be cocksure that my image is gonna turn out how I imagined it without all the faulty focusing and under-exposures.

So I went and purchase an FM2 Nikon. Its super old, its uses film, it looks damn cool. Also Its also a legendary camera as some may claimed with super sharp lens. I didn't know all that before I purchase it. Well, its off to kick some photography ass then? To learn photography with an old camera is time consuming, modern techniques apply to all DSLR cameras. So its back to the internet with SLR (Single Lens Reflex) research then. I'm desperately trying to experiment and achieve the Lomo effect with different films and slides. Why not just use photoshop?
Certain things are better without Photoshop. Period.
To hold and operate on a film camera is to experience photography from the days of yore. I really like the idea of manually loading the film in and operating the shutter speeds and advancing the film through a lever. Everything just felt real instead of a point and click method which requires zero skill. Handling a manual camera lets you appreciate the finer points of photography to carefully select your subject and to exercise your composition because you can't just delete the damn image if you don't like it.
I believe to be able to run, one needs to walk first. And thats why I'm taking the first steps to photography with a film camera.
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Tokyo 01
I really like the way they juxtaposed old buildings or stores with ultra-modern malls side by side. It is not surprising to find a quaint, traditional japanese restaurant situated beside a new, contemporary structured hi-rise building. Even with the housing area, no house is alike. The Japanese pride themselves in individuality, and you can find rows and rows of house in different design, scale and architecture. Let's say in Shibuya, everywhere you go, you are constantly assaulted with the lights, the sights and the sound while walking along the streets. Hummers installed with huge-ass speakers blasting rap music, park at the sidewalk as part of the artist new album promotion. Each different building/stores emits different bright neon lights, all fighting for your attention to stand out from the rest. Asians who dress well, invading your personal space, walking in droves towards you, along with you. Its just too much to absorb if you are there the first time. There's so many interesting stuff happening all at the same time its overwhelming to even converse normally with your friends without being sidetrack by the awesomeness of it all. I believe there's a murky side to Tokyo as well which I haven't ventured before but I like how everything beautiful and perfect is projected on the surface. I'm superficial like that. If you happen to have wads of cash with nothing to buy, I highly recommend Tokyo as your stop for an exhilarating experience.
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Fashion Victims

Concept & Art Direction SARU
Words David Chin
Photography FAI/IFL STUDIO
Digital Imaging Norman Tang/IFL STUDIO
Styling Daniel Henry
Hair Scott Ong/Homme Salon
Make-Up Ellisan Tan
Models Marina V, Paulo O/Andrews Models .
This shoot is done within a day. Normally, fashion spreads only lasted for roughly 4-5 hours including makeup. But for this spread, alot of props were used. AWAS cones, warning tapes, knifes and so on. It took us 8 hours to finish the damn shoot as it was raining already and we weren't able to continue the shoot outdoors, so everything had to be done indoors. The rest was photoshopped. We had every reason to fail as most of the shots needed to be done outdoors. Even I need to be in the shoot as well as we only booked 2 models for the shoot.

I wanted to create an interesting fashion spread with a storyline. Its always me coming up with a concept thats so damn fuckin difficult to pull off, which gives us a huge loophole to ruin the whole damn shoot. I had the storyline nailed down since several months ago, under the influence of too much damn Dexter drama-bingeing. Major assistance came from David Chin for the text, as I had him writing à la Edgar Allan Poe style. Dark and poetry-like. Fucker's a master with words. Like butter in my fuckin' mouth yo'.

We were discussing with the editorial team on how we would structure the whole storyline since we had so many restrictions with the KDN (Malaysian Publishing of Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, check here for the restrictions, one would almost give up on starting a magazine), initially we went for the story where the killer manages to escape. but after several discussions, we played it safe and decided to structure it with the killer writing his journal in prison. Not the best decision but a safe one.

In the end, I wasn't very satisfied with the last shot. Its fake as fuck. Its supposed to be shot directly from the top to create visual impact, it is, the ending after all. In any spread the first and the last shot creates the most lasting impression. This is a good concept wasted because of one defective image. We learn from it, but such a waste of concept.
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