Fashion Victims

(Excerpt from spread)
January 14 20xx
I had reached an impasse for my art. There was nothing new under the sun for my photographic eye for life had revealed its baseness to me and I was unimpressed. Until last night. Last night, the sky was a starlit canvas and I rediscovered vigour for my craft. A man I recognise. He is a kindred artist. He committed a heinous act that made me retch but upon reflection I saw only exquisite work. He ended her in a stairwell where I lived. I captured his art through my art. I cannot express how I feel but through my lens. I feel renewed.

Concept & Art Direction SARU
Words David Chin
Photography FAI/IFL STUDIO
Digital Imaging Norman Tang/IFL STUDIO
Styling Daniel Henry
Hair Scott Ong/Homme Salon
Make-Up Ellisan Tan
Models Marina V, Paulo O/Andrews Models .

This shoot is done within a day. Normally, fashion spreads only lasted for roughly 4-5 hours including makeup. But for this spread, alot of props were used. AWAS cones, warning tapes, knifes and so on. It took us 8 hours to finish the damn shoot as it was raining already and we weren't able to continue the shoot outdoors, so everything had to be done indoors. The rest was photoshopped. We had every reason to fail as most of the shots needed to be done outdoors. Even I need to be in the shoot as well as we only booked 2 models for the shoot.

(Excerpt from spread)
May 3 20xx
I had obsessed over my masterpiece for months and I was insatiable. I needed more. This recognisable man had ignited more than just passion for my work, he sparked a dark desire I could not suppress. I met him again and I followed him. And Joy! He did it again! He cradled her into his car and brought her to her final resting place. He squeezed her tightly, delicately, and she was no more. I cannot congratulate him enough, but he does not know I follow him. I captured the act from afar without his knowledge and yet I ache to reveal myself to him. To thank him for his work that informs my work. Perhaps I will get a gallery exhibition with this series.

I wanted to create an interesting fashion spread with a storyline. Its always me coming up with a concept thats so damn fuckin difficult to pull off, which gives us a huge loophole to ruin the whole damn shoot. I had the storyline nailed down since several months ago, under the influence of too much damn Dexter drama-bingeing. Major assistance came from David Chin for the text, as I had him writing à la Edgar Allan Poe style. Dark and poetry-like. Fucker's a master with words. Like butter in my fuckin' mouth yo'.

(Excerpt from spread)
July 12 20xx
It seems I am not the only one who stalks my recognisable man. There is a detective. A capable one who is close to this man now. So close my recognisable man should feel his breath on his neck. I discovered this detective on the third instalment of my admired artist’s masterpiece. A man this time. Foolish enough to be so cavalier as to traverse in darkness unescorted. My recognisable man quickly escorted our fool to the world to come. This time my camera was without film and when I returned to immortalise his work, I found the detective. This time, I risked everything to take my photograph and I succeeded in this. I wish my recognisable man luck.

We were discussing with the editorial team on how we would structure the whole storyline since we had so many restrictions with the KDN (Malaysian Publishing of Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, check here for the restrictions, one would almost give up on starting a magazine), initially we went for the story where the killer manages to escape. but after several discussions, we played it safe and decided to structure it with the killer writing his journal in prison. Not the best decision but a safe one.

(Excerpt from spread)
August 30 20xx
He was caught! I was devastated as I watched my recognisable man led away by the police to a waiting cell and in time, a waiting noose. I could not bear the end of his and my work. Night after sleepless night, I could not imagine this masterpiece of mine incomplete. But I finally finished it. The urge bubbled within me, so I stalked a young couple to a nearby park. And with two swift unsuspecting blows, they passed on. My work was complete. Then they came for me that night. I am not as skilled as my recognisable man at deeds such as this. My doctor tells me that I am unwell, but I feel liberated even though I see life through bars. He does not understand that my work is for posterity. Future generations will gaze upon my work and finally, my artistic genius will be appreciated.

In the end, I wasn't very satisfied with the last shot. Its fake as fuck. Its supposed to be shot directly from the top to create visual impact, it is, the ending after all. In any spread the first and the last shot creates the most lasting impression. This is a good concept wasted because of one defective image. We learn from it, but such a waste of concept.

the lengthy version

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