So for whatever info you need regarding sneakers, they're your hookup. Initially I was told the ACG line was designed solely for water use. I remembered seeing some optical illusion way back when I was working for AirAsia but was unable to implement the idea. They weren't that keen on exploring and pushing design ideas for the magazine. It needs to be safe, as long as the text is readable and design is so-so. Blehh.. This is the image that I planned to use for the idea. The digital artist from the studio and I spent hours discussing and drawing the pattern to experiment how to slip this inside the fashion spread.
• To make it transparent in the background cannot work cos' its not obvious enough.
• To use the pattern and alter the objects to leaves would require too much time and work. Not favorable to magazine dateline
• To switch the patterns to fishes would require us to shoot fishes separately in different angles.

We insist they put on goggles to see where they're heading or the directions they have to swim to, for the lighting above to cover them. The second day was done with the same clothes and poses that we initially chose. Just this time we superimposed the faces with the body shots in the pool. We had the makeup artist to imitate sea life patterns on their faces. We will apply fish scales on them in Photoshop. All thats left is the digital imaging. IFL studios, known for their superb skill in Digital Imaging, had only 3 days to pull of the fastest D.I for 4 shots with background in the history of Photoshop. Usually for fashion spread, heavy D.I is a big no-no. But in my case, I had to rely on D.I to pull off the entire spread.

the lengthy version